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PTE Test

PTE Test: Syllabus, Exam Pattern, Fees & More

This blog underscores the syllabus, exam pattern, fees, validity & eligibility of the PTE Test. It provides a detailed understanding of the types of questions, duration of the test & modes of examination. The PTE test improves the English skills of the students & helps them achieve better scores.

Introduction of Pearson Test of English

The PTE is also known as the Pearson Test of English and is taken by students who are dreaming of pursuing their education abroad. It measures the English proficiency of students. PTE syllabus highlights the pattern of the test & allows students to analyse & understand the examination better. More than 3,000 institutes recognize the test & which is widely accepted for assessing the English skills of students in countries like the UK, the USA, Australia, etc.

World Wide Recognition of the Test

The PTE test has gained worldwide popularity because of its acceptance in more than 3,000 institutes. These include the London School of Commerce, Queen’s University, RMIT University, Royal Business School, San Francisco State University, Imperial College London, etc.

PTE  Eligibility, Fees & Mode

The test is divided into 3 major sections, which include reading, writing & speaking, and listening. The PTE test fee is 17,000 INR. The test is 2 hours long & is scored on a scale of 10-90. Students can take tests from the exam centre or at home. Students who are above 16 years & have valid government ID are eligible for taking the PTE test.

Validity of PTE Test

The scores of the PTE test remain valid for two years after taking the test.

PTE Test Pattern: Comprehensive Guide

The test is divided into 3 sections that include reading, writing, speaking & listening. The PTE test has 20 different question types. The table given below shows the duration of the test, the number of questions, etc. The speaking & writing sections consist of 28-36 questions, which are 54-67 minutes long. This section is followed by reading, which spans 32-41 minutes & has 13-18 questions. The last section is listening, which has 12-20 questions & spans 30-43 mins. The test is computer-based & can be taken from a test centre or at home.

Major Pattern

Number of QuestionsDuration
Speaking & Writing28-3654-67 minutes
Reading13-1832-41 minutes
Listening12-2030-43 minutes

PTE Syllabus & Major Segmentations

Speaking & Writing: 54-67 minutes

The speaking & writing section has 28-36 questions, which measure the speaking & writing skills of the students. The section includes a personal introduction, reading aloud the text, describing an image, etc.

Types of questions

    • Personal Introduction: Prepare & record your response, 25 seconds for the prompt & 30 seconds to record. 
    • Read Aloud: Read out the text of 60 words clearly. 
    • Repeat Sentence: Repeat the sentence & record your response, 3-9 seconds for prompt & 15 seconds to record. 
    • Describe Image: Study the image & record your response within 25 seconds
    • Re-tell Lecture: Read the given statement & record your response, 90 seconds for the prompt, 10 seconds to prepare & 40 seconds to answer.
    • Summarise Written text: Answer text of 300 words within 10 minutes. 
    • Essay: Respond to a 300-word text within 10 minutes. 
Types of questionsDuration
Personal IntroductionTotal 55 seconds: 25 seconds for prompt, 30 seconds for recording
Read Aloud30-40 seconds for reading out the text of 60 seconds
Repeat SentenceTotal 15 seconds: 3-9 seconds for prompt;15 seconds to record
Describe Image25 seconds to study the image & prepare a response for the same.
Re-Tell Lecture90 seconds for prompt, 10 seconds to prepare & 40 seconds to answer
Answer Short QuestionsTotal 20 seconds; 3-9 seconds for prompt, 10 seconds to answer
Summarise Written Text10 minutes to answer a text prompt of 300 words
Essay20-30 minutes to answer a text prompt of 2-3 sentences
Total Questions28-36

Reading: 32-41 minutes

The reading section has 13-18 questions which analyse the reading abilities of the students. Multiple choice questions, re-ordering of paragraphs, and filing the missing words are some of the types of questions that fall under this section. 

Types of questions

  • Multiple choice questions: Select multiple answers for the given question
  • Re-order paragraph: Rearrange the paragraph to form a complete meaning. 
  • Fill in the blanks: Choose the appropriate option to complete the sentence. 
  • Multiple choice questions: Select a single answer from the given set of options. 
Types of questionsDuration
MCQ, Choose single answerRead 300 words of text
MCQ, Choose multiple answersRead 300 words of text
Re-order ParagraphsRead 150 words of text
Fill in the blanksRead 80 words of text
Reading & WritingRead 300 words of text

Listening: 30-43 minutes

The listening section contains 12-20 questions, which are useful for measuring the listening skills of students. Summarising the spoken text, multiple choice questions, and highlighting the incorrect words are some of the types of questions which come under this section. 

Types of questions

  • Summarise Spoken Text: Listen to the audio clip & write your response in a 50-70 words summary. 
  • Multiple choice question, multiple answers: Listen to the audio click & respond to the questions. There might be more than one correct answer for the given question. 
  • Fill in the blanks: Fill in the blanks with suitable options after listening. 
  • Multiple choice questions, single answer: Choose only one option from the given options. 
  • Highlight Incorrect word: Listen to the audio clip to identify the incorrect word that differs between the transcript & audio. 
  • Write from dictation: Listen to the audio & type the sentence. 
Types of questionsDuration
Summarise Spoken Text60-90 seconds for proofreading the text; 10 minutes for writing
MCQ, Multiple choice answers40-90 seconds for responding to the audio clip & selecting multiple responses
Fill in the blanks30-60 seconds listening to the audio clips & choosing the correct answer
Highlight the Correct Summary30-90 seconds for listening & highlighting the correct summary from the given options
MCQ, Single choice answer30-60 seconds for listening to the audio & choosing the single responses
Highlight Incorrect Words15-50 seconds for listening to the audio & identifying the incorrect words
Selecting Missing Words20-70 seconds for listening & selecting the missing word to complete the sentence
Write from Dictation3-5 seconds listening & writing


PTE test evaluates the English proficiency of students who are dreaming of pursuing their studies abroad. By making the students familiar with the test pattern, types of questions, duration & frequencies, we have tried to help the students understand the test better & achieve their desired scores.


Is it possible to take the PTE test online?

Yes, students can take tests at home. The PTE test can be taken both in offline & online mode. The fee for the home version of the test is 14,435 INR. 

The PTE test is divided into 3 major sections that include writing & speaking, reading, and listening. The test is scored on a scale of 10-90. We have provided a detailed guide to understand the test format & scoring.

PTE academic tests can be given as many times as the students wish. The test taker is only required to meet the conditions of the test. Students can reschedule their test (maximum 6 times) before 14 days of taking the test.

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