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Finding the Right Accommodation as International Student in Australia

Finding the Right Accommodation as International Student in Australia

Studying abroad is an incredible opportunity to broaden horizons, immerse oneself in new cultures, and gain valuable education. As an international student venturing to Australia, one of the most crucial decisions you’ll make is selecting the ideal accommodation. Your choice can significantly impact your overall experience, from academic performance to social interactions and personal well-being. In this comprehensive blog, we’ll delve into the various accommodation options available for international students in Australia, offering valuable insights to help you make an informed and gratifying choice.

On-Campus Accommodation

Living on campus is an exciting and convenient option for many international students. Australian universities offer a variety of on-campus accommodations, such as dormitories, residential colleges, and student apartments. On-campus accommodation, also known as university dormitories or residence halls, refers to housing options provided by the university or college for its students. These accommodations are located within or near the campus, making it convenient for students to attend classes, access university facilities, and be part of the campus community. 

On-campus accommodation has several advantages for international students:



Living on campus means you are within walking distance of your classes, libraries, student services, and extracurricular activities. This saves time and money on transportation, and you can easily immerse yourself in campus life.

2. Social Opportunities

On-campus accommodations are a great way to meet and interact with other students, including both local and international students. It can foster a sense of community and help you make friends from various backgrounds.

3. Safety and Security

Most university dormitories have security measures in place to ensure the safety of their residents. This can provide peace of mind to both students and their families.

4. Academic Support

Living on campus often means easy access to academic resources such as study groups, tutoring services, and faculty office hours, which can be beneficial for your studies.

5. Inclusive Experience

Being part of campus housing allows you to participate in campus events, clubs, and organisations more actively, providing a well-rounded college experience.

6. Cultural Exchange

Sharing living spaces with students from different countries and cultures can be a rich and rewarding experience that broadens your perspective.

However, on-campus accommodation may have some drawbacks as well:

1. Limited Availability

On-campus housing can be in high demand, and the number of available spaces might not be enough to accommodate all students, especially in popular universities.

2. Cost

While it can be convenient, on-campus accommodation may be relatively more expensive compared to off-campus options such as shared apartments or homestays.

3. Less Independence

Living in university dorms may come with more rules and regulations compared to living in private accommodation off-campus.

4. Lack of Privacy

Dormitory living usually involves sharing rooms or living spaces with other students, which might not suit everyone’s preference for privacy.

Some websites for on- campus accommodations : 

It’s essential to research international student accommodation in Australia offered by your university well in advance and apply for housing as early as possible if you are interested in living on campus. Additionally, consider your preferences, budget, and lifestyle when deciding whether on-campus accommodation is the right choice for you. If on-campus accommodation is not available or doesn’t fit your needs, exploring off-campus options is a viable alternative.

Check what housing choices your institution provides and how much they charge by getting in touch with them.

Off-Campus Rental

Off-campus rental refers to the practice of renting housing for international students accommodation in Australia that are located outside the university or college campus. This option involves finding a private apartment, flat, house, or room in a house that is not owned or managed by the university. Off-campus rental is a popular choice among international students and comes with its own set of advantages and considerations:




1. More Independence

Renting off-campus provides a higher degree of independence and freedom compared to living in university dorms. You have more control over your living space and lifestyle.

2. Diverse Housing Options

 Off-campus rental offers a wide range of housing options to suit your preferences and budget. You can choose to live alone or share the accommodation with other students or roommates.

3. Potentially Lower Costs

Depending on the location and type of accommodation, off-campus rental can sometimes be more cost-effective than on-campus options, especially when sharing expenses with roommates.

4. Privacy

Off-campus housing typically offers more privacy, as you won’t have to share living spaces with as many people as you would in a dormitory.

5. Flexibility in Lease Terms

You may have more flexibility in choosing the length of your lease when renting off-campus. This can be helpful if you plan to stay during breaks or for a more extended period than a typical academic year.




1. Commute

Living off-campus might mean a longer commute to classes and university facilities. Consider the distance and available transportation options.

2. Responsibility

Renting off-campus comes with responsibilities such as paying rent on time, managing utilities, and adhering to the terms of the lease agreement.

3. Furniture and Utilities

 Some off-campus accommodations may come furnished, while others may require you to furnish the space yourself. Additionally, you might need to set up utility accounts like electricity, water, and internet.

4. Safety and Security

When choosing off-campus housing, consider the safety and security of the neighborhood and the building.

5. Lease Length

Be mindful of the lease length and whether it aligns with your academic plans. Breaking a lease prematurely can result in financial penalties.

6. Finding Roommates

If you choose to share accommodation with roommates, finding compatible individuals can be crucial to ensure a positive living experience.

International students frequently share housing with other students to reduce living expenses. Rental and shared housing possibilities are frequently displayed on bulletin boards at educational institutions or on websites for shared housing such Flatmate Finders or  

It’s essential to start your off-campus rental search early to secure suitable accommodation. You can check university bulletin boards, online rental platforms, or local real estate agencies to find available options. Reach out to current students or international student offices for recommendations or advice on finding off-campus housing. Remember to read and understand the lease agreement thoroughly before signing it, and be prepared to provide necessary documentation and deposits to secure the rental.

Homestay Experience

A homestay experience refers to the practice of living with a local host family while studying or travelling abroad. Instead of living in university dorms or renting an apartment, international students opt to stay with a host family, typically for a short-term or long-term period.


The homestay experience for international student looking for accommodation in Australia offers several unique advantages and benefits:


1. Cultural Immersion

Homestays provide an excellent opportunity for cultural immersion. By living with a local family, you get a firsthand experience of the customs, traditions, and daily life of the host country. This immersive experience can deepen your understanding and appreciation of the culture.

2. Language Practice

If you are studying in a country where the primary language is different from your native language, staying with a host family allows you to practise and improve your language skills in a real-life setting. Daily interactions with your host family can enhance your language proficiency.

3. Support and Guidance

Host families often offer support and guidance to international students. They can help you navigate the local area, provide advice on transportation and amenities, and assist with any challenges you might face while adjusting to the new environment.

4. Home-cooked Meals

Homestays often include meals provided by the host family. This not only saves you money on food expenses but also exposes you to traditional home-cooked meals of the host country.

5. Safety and Comfort

Living with a host family can provide a sense of security and comfort, especially for students who are new to the country or concerned about living alone.

6. Networking and Friendships

Homestays can lead to lasting friendships and connections. Many students develop close bonds with their host families and stay in touch even after their homestay period ends.

7. Affordability

Homestays can sometimes be a more affordable accommodation option compared to renting an apartment, especially when meals and utilities are included in the homestay arrangement.


However, there are also some considerations to keep in mind when opting for a homestay experience:



1. Cultural Adjustment

Living in a new cultural environment can be challenging initially. It’s essential to be open-minded, respectful, and adaptable to different customs and ways of life.

2. House Rules

Host families may have specific rules or expectations that you need to follow while staying with them. It’s crucial to understand and respect these rules to maintain a harmonious living arrangement.

3. Privacy

While host families are usually welcoming and inclusive, you might have less privacy compared to living on your own in an apartment.

4. Compatibility

The success of a homestay largely depends on the compatibility between you and your host family. While efforts are made to match students with suitable families, there is a chance that personalities might not align perfectly.

Popular online booking platforms for international students looking for accommodation in homestays in Australia:

To ensure a positive homestay experience, it’s essential to communicate openly with your host family, be respectful of their home and rules, and actively engage in cultural exchanges. Many educational institutions or reputable homestay agencies facilitate the homestay process and can help address any concerns that may arise during your stay.


Shared Accommodation

Shared accommodation, also known as flat-sharing or roommate living, involves sharing a living space with one or more individuals. This is another option for international students looking for accommodation in Australia, which is common among students, young professionals, and individuals who want to split housing expenses and enjoy social interactions. 


Shared accommodation can take various forms, including:


1. Shared Apartments/Flats

In this setup, two or more individuals rent a larger apartment or flat together and share common spaces such as the living room, kitchen, and bathroom. Each person typically has their private bedroom.

2. House Sharing

House sharing involves renting a house with multiple occupants. Housemates may share the kitchen, living room, and other communal areas while having their private bedrooms.

3. Room Rental

In this arrangement, a person rents a single room in an apartment or house, while the common areas are shared with other tenants.


Advantages of Shared Accommodation as International Student:


1. Cost Sharing

One of the main advantages of shared accommodation is that the rent and utility costs are divided among the occupants, making it more affordable for each individual.

2. Social Interaction

Living with roommates fosters social interactions and can lead to friendships. It can be a fun and supportive environment, especially for individuals new to a city or country.

3. Shared Responsibilities

Housemates can divide household chores and responsibilities, making it easier for everyone to maintain the living space.

4. Larger Living Space

Shared accommodation often allows access to more extensive and better-equipped living spaces compared to what one could afford individually.

5. Flexibility

Shared accommodation can provide more flexibility in lease terms, allowing tenants to move in or out relatively easily.


Considerations for Shared Accommodation:



1. Compatibility

Living with roommates requires compatibility in terms of lifestyle, cleanliness, and daily routines. It’s essential to communicate openly and establish ground rules to ensure a harmonious living environment.

2. Privacy

While shared accommodation is cost-effective, it may offer less privacy compared to living alone.

3. Lease Agreement

Be aware of the lease agreement terms, including rent, utility sharing, and individual responsibilities.

4. Safety and Security

When choosing shared accommodation, consider the safety of the neighborhood and the security measures in place.

5. Personal Belongings

Keep in mind that personal belongings should be handled with care and respect shared spaces and belongings of other housemates.

Popular websites for Australia’s residential colleges:

Shared accommodation is a popular choice, especially among international students looking for accommodation in Australia and young professionals, as it not only helps in cost-sharing but also provides a social and dynamic living experience. If you are interested in shared accommodation, consider using reputable roommate-finding platforms or reaching out to local housing services to find suitable housemates and living spaces that match your preferences.


Purpose-Built Student Accommodation (PBSA)

Purpose-Built Student Accommodation (PBSA) refers to housing properties specifically designed and constructed to cater to the needs of students. These accommodations are purposefully built with the aim of providing comfortable and convenient living spaces for international students looking for accommodation in Australia. PBSA is a popular and modern accommodation option in many countries, especially in locations with a significant student population. 

Here are some key characteristics and features of Purpose-Built Student Accommodation:


1. Proximity to Universities/Colleges

PBSA properties are strategically located in close proximity to universities, making it convenient for students to commute to their classes and access campus facilities easily.

2. Modern Amenities

PBSA offers a range of modern amenities to enhance students’ living experiences. These may include fully furnished rooms, communal study areas, high-speed internet, on-site laundry facilities, gyms, social spaces, and more.

3. Security

PBSA properties often prioritize safety and security measures to ensure the well-being of their residents. These measures can include secure access control, surveillance cameras, and on-site staff or security personnel.

4. Inclusive Rent

PBSA usually offers an all-inclusive rent model, which means that utilities such as water, electricity, and internet are included in the rent, making it easier for students to manage their budgets.

5. Flexibility in Lease Terms

PBSA often offers flexible lease terms, allowing students to rent for a specific academic semester or for the entire academic year.

6. Different Room Types

PBSA properties may offer a variety of room types, such as single rooms, shared rooms, studios, or apartments, to accommodate different preferences and budgets.

Some websites for Purpose built accommodations: 

While Purpose-Built Student Accommodation offers many advantages to international students in Australia, it’s essential to research and compare different properties to find the one that best suits your preferences and requirements.

Tips for International Students Looking for Accommodation in Australia

Studying abroad is an exciting and transformative experience, but one of the most crucial aspects of a successful journey is finding the right accommodation. Your living arrangements can significantly impact your overall well-being, academic performance, and cultural immersion.

To help you navigate the process, we’ve compiled some valuable tips on finding the perfect accommodation as an international student:

1. Start Early

Begin your search for accommodation as soon as you receive your acceptance letter. Starting early gives you more options and allows ample time for research and planning.

2. Determine Your Budget

Set a realistic budget for accommodation, considering your tuition fees and other living expenses. Be mindful of any additional costs, such as utilities and transportation.

3. Explore Different Options

Consider various types of accommodation, such as on-campus housing, off-campus rentals, homestays, and purpose-built student accommodations. Each option offers unique benefits and suits different preferences.

4. Consider Location

Look for accommodation close to your university or college. Proximity to public transportation, grocery stores, and healthcare facilities is also essential for convenience and safety.

5. Read Reviews and Testimonials

Before committing to any accommodation, read online reviews and testimonials from previous tenants. Real experiences from others can offer valuable insights into the quality and management of the place.

6. Connect with Other Students

Join social media groups or forums where current or past international students discuss their accommodation experiences. They can provide helpful advice and recommendations based on their first-hand experiences.

7. Utilize University Accommodation Services

Many universities have dedicated accommodation services for international students. Reach out to them for guidance and support in finding suitable housing.

8. Prioritize Safety

Safety should be a top priority when selecting accommodation. Research the crime rate in the neighborhood and inquire about security measures provided by the accommodation provider.

9. Consider Utilities and Amenities

Inquire about included utilities like internet, electricity, and water. Additionally, check the availability of essential amenities such as laundry facilities and communal spaces.

10. Cultural Considerations

If you opt for homestays or shared accommodations, consider cultural compatibility with your host family or roommates. This can enhance your cultural immersion experience.

11. Read the Lease Agreement Carefully

Before signing any lease agreement, read and understand all the terms and conditions. Be aware of cancellation policies, deposit requirements, and your rights as a tenant.

12. Flexibility in the Beginning

Consider short-term accommodation initially, such as staying in a hostel or university dorm, to give yourself time to explore the area and find a more suitable long-term option once you’re familiar with the surroundings.

13. Seek Advice from Your University

Consult with your university’s international office or student support services. They can provide valuable insights and may have partnerships with accommodation providers.

Finding the right accommodation is a vital step towards a fulfilling study abroad experience. By conducting thorough research, planning ahead, and being mindful of your preferences and budget, you can secure a comfortable and conducive living space that complements your academic journey. Remember, your accommodation is more than just a place to live; it’s a home away from home where memories will be made and friendships will be forged. Embrace this adventure, and let your living arrangements be an integral part of your incredible international education journey.

Choosing the right student accommodation while studying abroad is a crucial decision that can significantly impact your overall experience. Various accommodation options cater to the diverse needs and preferences of international students. Each option comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages, making it essential to consider several factors before making a choice.  

In the end, the right accommodation is a personal choice based on individual preferences, budget, and lifestyle. It is recommended that students start their search early, seek advice from university resources or current students, and remain adaptable to make the most of their study abroad experience.

Remember, the accommodation you select will become your home away from home, influencing your academic success, social interactions, and overall enjoyment of your time abroad. By carefully weighing your options and making an informed decision, you can ensure that your study abroad journey is truly enriching and memorable.

Why stress over finding the right place to live when you can rely on our expertise? We understand the unique needs of international students and have a wide range of accommodation options to suit your preferences and budget.

From cozy on-campus dorms to modern Purpose-Built Student Accommodation (PBSA) and immersive homestays, we’ve got you covered! Our team will guide you through the process, providing personalized recommendations and helping you secure the best housing that matches your dreams.

Say goodbye to worries about lease agreements, utility bills, or incompatible roommates. With our support, you can focus on what truly matters – your studies, cultural exploration, and creating lifelong memories.

Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity. Contact Us now for a free study abroad consultation on student accommodation. Let AdmitX make your study abroad adventure the experience of a lifetime!

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