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Part time jobs in France

Part-Time Jobs in France for Indian Students 2024

France is one of the leading countries in the world that not only provides academic facilities but also caters for the needs of students, to earn while studying and building networks with professionals. Part time jobs in France is a pathway to prepare students for addressing real-life challenges which they might face after completing their higher studies.

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Benefits of Part Time Jobs in France for Indian Students

Part time jobs are a form of employment in which people work in shifts, for fewer hours like 4-5 hours per day or less than 30-38 hours a week. Most often, Indian students who are pursuing higher education in France seek out such opportunities for various reasons which are listed below.

1. Development of Skills

International students including Indians pursuing various courses in France like Management, Medical, Engineering, Law etc. often engage in part time employment during their academic tenure to develop and polish skills like interpersonal communication, problem solving, critical thinking, decision making, negotiation skills etc.

Part time employment is a pathway to prepare students for addressing real-life challenges which they might face after completing their higher studies.

2. Managing Living Expenses

Students’ life often comes with a lot of difficulties like choosing suitable accommodation, proper meals, relevant utility services and managing their expenses.

Since the cost of living in France is higher than in India, they become dependent on their parents/friends for financial resources. Part time employment helps them to create and manage their finances and makes them independent. It also supplements the funds required for pursuing any hobby or skill. 

3. Networking Opportunities

During the period of part time work, students expose themselves to a lot of people which is helpful to them because it allows them to build networks with relevant professionals.

Networking with experienced professionals not only imparts full-time employment opportunities in future but also gives valuable life lessons to them.

Part Time Jobs in France for Indian Students: Rules & Rights

  • France provides equal opportunity to every international student to get engaged in part-time work, regardless of their country of origin and course type. This is also applicable to Indian students who want to pursue part-time jobs while studying. 
  • Interested non-EU/international students are required to have student resident permit. They do not need to have any work permit.
  • Students are permitted to work up to 964 hours/year or 20 hours per week.
  • If students are enrolled in 6 months course then they are allowed to work for about 472 hours.
  • Students must ensure that their engagement in part-time employment does not conflict with their academic schedule.
  • In France, a working international student is given the benefits of a statutory minimum wage, commonly called the SMIC (salaire minimum interprofessionnel de croissance or guaranteed minimum wage). The gross minimum wage is €11.65 per hour.
  • Around 20% of mandatory social security contributions must be deducted to determine actual earnings (i.e. €9.22/hour).
  • International students also get off-campus job opportunities from their host university on a contract basis. It usually lasts for 12 months e.g. September 1st to August 31st. The university does not permit to work more than 670 hours between September 1st and June 30th and not more than 300 hours between July 1st and August 31st.

Types of Part Time Jobs in France 2024

1. On-Campus Part-Time Jobs

As discussed earlier, university offers part-time employment opportunities to their international students in campus. During this, they are not allowed to pursue any kind of internship. However, this may depend upon the university’s guidelines.

Some of the off-campus part-time jobs which the French university offers are:

  • Cafe Jobs in campus
  • University assistant to faculty members
  • International marketing office
  • Campus Guide
  • Library Assistant
  • IT Tech supporter

The average salary which international students are paid during their on-campus job tenure ranges from 10-20 Euros.

2. Off-Campus Part-Time Jobs

Best Part-time JobsAverage Salary (per hour)
Retail worker in shops20 Euros
Babysitter15 Euros
English Translator20 Euros
Blogging11 Euros
Tour Guide25 Euros
Private Tutor20 Euros
Dog walker 11 Euros
Salesman40 Euros
Tour Guide30 Euros
Cab driver25 Euros
Bartendar20 Euros

How to Find Part Time Jobs in France 2024?

Understandably, finding jobs abroad can be a tedious and difficult task, especially in foreign countries. We are presenting you some steps which you can follow before going to hunt part-time jobs in France. 

1. Prepare CV

The foremost step which you should take before hunting for any kind of jobs is to prepare resume which must contain details of personal and academic background. No matter what kind of job you are searching for, be it full-time or part time, a CV is a general profile of the candidate which reflects the necessary details and their competency. It is better to start building CV at earliest.

2. Polish Social Media Accounts

The days are gone when peoples were considering social media channels like Facebook and Twitter as unproductive. In today’s world, social media play very important role in highlighting the image of a job seeker apart from its conventional significance. Before applying for a part-time job in France, you should conduct a thorough review of your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn profiles and erase irrelevant posts or comments which can ruin your personality. Employers now days are more personality conscious of applicants.

3. Search Online

Keep checking the sites that provide job opportunities like Pôle Emploi (Employment Centre) and the APEC (the Association Pour l’Emploi des Cadres (The Management Employment Association) site. 

4. Visit Job Fares

You can find ample part-time job opportunities in job fares. Job fares are the way to meet best employers. Before visiting the job fares, you must be well prepared accordingly.

5. Approach University Alumni Societies

This is best way to get relevant and specific information regarding part-time employment opportunities in France. Alumni societies are always ready to cater the needs and requirement of incoming students, specially if they belong to foreign countries.

Also read- PhD in France

Cost of Living in France 2024

Cost of LivingExpenses
Accommodation400 euros-1200 euros
Meals100 euros-450 euros
Transportation20 euros-50 euros
Utility, Leisure80 euros-100 euros


Part-time employment is generally seen as the way to foster and cultivate skills and personality during student life. France is one of the leading countries in the world that not only provides academic facilities but also caters for the needs of students, to earn while studying and building networks with professionals.

There are ample opportunities for international students to earn and learn for a better future. However, French universities have allowed their students to get engaged in part-time employment up to a certain limit. The government of France has also put up certain regulations to protect the rights of the students.


What are the eligibilities to get part-time jobs in France?

Eligibility generally depend upon the employers and the nature of the jobs. However, some common eligibilities are: student visa holder, proficient in the English language and enrollment in a full-time course

How much an international student can earn while studying in France?

On average, an international student can earn up to 7900 euros manually in France

Does an international student have to pay tax for their part-time employment?

Yes, they have to do so. However, income from work placements linked to their studies is exempt from taxation up to the level of the minimum wage.

If you are an aspirant looking to study at your dream university, book an appointment with AdmitX today and start your applications early to avail yourself of all the benefits.

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