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10 Best Management Books Which Everyone Should Read

10 Best Management Books Everyone Should Read

Great management skills are required to have a peaceful and vibrant work environment. One of the biggest challenges people face in learning management skills is the inability to plan and execute tasks on time. It leads to delays in work, and ultimately, organisations face productivity issues.

Best Management Books in 2024

Great management skills are required to have a peaceful and vibrant work environment. One of the biggest challenges people face in learning management skills is the inability to plan and execute tasks on time. It leads to delays in work, and ultimately, organisations face productivity issues.

Black Box Thinking- Mathew Syed

This book emphasises the checklist approach to business management. It focuses on developing the ability to learn from failure and improving the methods of delegating and executing tasks.

Black Box Thinking

The Dirty Word- Alister Esam

This book focuses on the importance of processes in business operations and micromanagement. It is highly recommended as the best business management book for employees working in the corporate sector worldwide.

The Dirty Word

The Advantage- Patrick Lencion

The Advantage book by Patrick Lencioni is one of the popular leadership books for business professionals that emphasises the idea of keeping the organisation healthy. It depends on four disciplines: leadership, strategic thinking, organisational communication, and strategy reinforcement through systems.

The Advantage - Book

The Five Dysfunctions of a Team- Patrick Lencioni

This is another masterclass book by Patrick Lencioni, which focuses on the importance of employee engagement in crucial business success. 

The Five Dysfuntions of a Team

Turn the Ship Around- L. David Marquet

Turn the Ship Around was written by former US Navy Captain L. David Marquet. He explains how important it is to consider all company employees as bosses or leaders. This model empowers all the employees to take part in the company’s growth and development journey.

Turn the Ship Around

Start with Why- Semon Sinek

This book encourages leaders to step outside the box before making decisions. It tells us that if a leader can inspire a common sense of purpose, a business can achieve great things.

Start with why

How to Win Friends and Influence People

This book demonstrates how to manage people. In this book, you will learn about strategies to make people similar to your friends, win people to your way of thinking, and change people without offending them. 

Hoe to win Friends

How Big Things Get Done- Bent Flyvbjerg and Dan Gardner 

If you want to know how to get big things done on time, this book will help you navigate the challenges and problems that a large-scale project manager faces. This book also offers insights into why some projects become successful and some fail, how to increase the project success rate, and how to avoid errors and mistakes while planning and executing the project.

How Big Things Get Done - Book Cover

The Aristocracy of Talents- Adrian Wooldridge

This book explores a brief insight into how meritocracy has made entry into the modern world. It strongly recommends that people should be promoted based on their talents, not on birth.

The Aristrocracy - Book Cover

Why Read Management & Leadership Books?

Book reading is a good habit that everyone should have. It not only increases the knowledge of the specific domain but also enhances creativity and imagination, which ultimately help us make decisions in our life and work settings. Some of the reasons why reading management and leadership books is important are given below.

Development of Leadership Skills: Reading management and business strategy books develops the perception of leaders. It develops the abilities of team leadership, decision-making, and accepting tough responsibilities.

Communication Skills: Many popular management books like Leaders Eat Fast by Simon Sinek, The Five Dysfunctions of Team by Patrick Lencioni, and Dare to Lead by Brene Brown emphasise the importance of clear communication in professional work culture.

Promotes Innovation & Creativity: Reading leadership books can also inspire innovation and creativity skills in readers by fostering critical thinking and problem-solving abilities by exposing them to various case studies and different management styles.


What are the best books on management?

Some of the best books on management are Black Box Thinking, The Dirty Thinking, The Advantage, The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, and Turn the Ship Around.

According to Harvard Business Review, some of the best business management books are The First 90 Days: Proven Strategies for Getting Up to Speed Faster, Leading Change, and Playing to Win: How Strategy Really Works.

The four functions of management are planning, organising, leading, and controlling.

The first rule of management is to delegate the task among the employees based on their strengths.

A new manager should read the following books to develop better leadership abilities: Managing Oneself, Mindset: Changing the Way You Think to Fulfill Your Potential, High Output Management, Drive, Radical Candor, and Peopleware.

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