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SGPA to CGPA Converter

Convert your SGPA to CGPA easily.

Just enter your SGPA for each semester and the CGPA will be calculated instantly.

What is SGPA to CGPA Converter?

SGPA and CGPA are important components of a student’s academic career. Most students may find it difficult to calculate their CGPA manually. You can use the SGPA to CGPA Converter as it saves time and eliminates the chances of calculation errors.

How to Use SGPA to CGPA Converter?

You can calculate your CGPA using our SGPA to CGPA converter. Just enter the SGPA for each semester and your CGPA will be calculated instantly.

  • For 3-Year Courses: Enter the SGPA up to the 6th semester.
  • For 4-Year Courses: Enter the SGPA up to the 8th semester.
  • For Pursuing Students: Enter the SGPA till the current semester.

How Does SGPA to CGPA Converter Work?

  • Input the SGPA values for each semester. Credits are assumed to be equal for all semesters.
  • Then, the calculator adds the SGPA values for all semesters to get a total SGPA.
  • Finally, the calculator divides the total SGPA by the total number of semesters to calculate the CGPA.

What is SGPA?

SGPA, or Semester Grade Point Average, represents the average of academic grades obtained in all the subjects accumulated over a term or semester. SGPA is calculated at the end of a specific semester as it evaluates the student’s performance during that semester.

What is CGPA?

CGPA, or Cumulative Grade Point Average, is a student’s overall academic performance over multiple semesters. It is the weighted average of the SGPAs (Semester Grade Point Averages) from all the semesters the student completed.

Differences between SGPA and CGPA

The following table showcases the significant differences between SGPA (Semester Grade Point Average) and CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average).





It is limited to one particular semester.

It covers all completed semesters.


Total grade points earned in a semester divided by total credit hours for that semester.

The weighted average of SGPAs for all semesters is divided by total credit hours for all semesters.


It assesses performance in a specific semester.

It evaluates an overall academic performance.


SGPA can be improved in upcoming semesters.

It shows cumulative performance and is impossible to change.


Used for semester-specific evaluation.

Used for higher studies and job applications.

How to Calculate SGPA?

SGPA is calculated by taking the weighted average of the grade points obtained in all courses in a semester.

SGPA= ∑ (Grade Points x Credit Hours) / ∑ Credit Hours

The grade points for each subject are multiplied by their respective credit hours, and then the total is divided by the sum of credit hours for that semester.

For example:


Grade Point

Credit Hours

Subject A



Subject B



Subject C



Subject D



Subject E




Step 1 : Multiply the Grade Points by the Credit Hours for each course:

  • Subject A: 9×3 =27
  • Subject B: 8×4 =32
  • Subject C: 10×3 =30
  • Subject D: 7×2= 14
  • Subject E: 6×3 =18

Step 2: Sum the results from Step 1

27 + 32 + 30 + 14 + 18 = 121

Step 3: Sum the total credit hours

3 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 3 = 15

Step 4: Calculate SGPA using the formula

SGPA= ∑ (Grade Points × Credit Hours)​ / ∑ Credit Hours

SGPA = 121/15 = 8.067

Rounding off, the SGPA for the semester is 8.07.

How to Convert SGPA to CGPA?

CGPA is calculated by converting SGPA to CGPA using the following formula:

CGPA = ∑ (SGPA × Total Credit Hours of Semester) / ∑ Total Credit Hours

The grade points for each subject are multiplied by their respective credit hours, and then the total is divided by the sum of credit hours for that semester.

For Example: A student has completed 4 semesters with the following SGPAs and credit hours:



Total Credit Hours

Semester 1



Semester 2



Semester 3



Semester 4



Step 1: Multiply SGPAs by credit hours for each semester

  • Semester 1: 8.0×20= 160
  • Semester 2: 8.5×22= 187
  • Semester 3: 8.7×18= 156.6
  • Semester 4: 9.0×20= 180

Step 2: Sum the results

160 + 187 + 156.6 + 180 = 683.6

Step 3: Sum the total credit hours

20 + 22 + 18 + 20 = 80

Step 4: Calculate CGPA using the following formula

CGPA = ∑ (SGPA × Total Credit Hours of Semester) / ∑ Total Credit Hours

CGPA = 683.6/80 = 8.545

The student’s CGPA after 4 semesters is 8.55

Importance of CGPA for Studying Abroad

CGPA served as one of the first parameters to evaluate the academic background of the students. Here are some other important reasons why CGPA is crucial in the context of overseas education.

  • Eligibility for Admission: Most educational institutions abroad consider students to have a good CGPA eligible for their competitive academic programs. Meeting this requirement can support your desire to pursue your dream course or university abroad.
  • Scholarships and Financial Aids: A strong CGPA can increase your chances of receiving merit-based scholarships (from universities and the government), which can significantly reduce the cost of studying abroad.
  • Consistent Performance: A strong CGPA is seen as a reflection of your consistency in performance. It demonstrates to the university that you are a serious and dedicated student.

Common Errors while Converting SGPA to CGPA

While calculating CGPA from SGPA, many students commit common mistakes that can cause calculation errors. These errors may lead to inaccurate outcomes. Some common mistakes while converting SGPA to CGPA are:

  • Incorrect Weighting of Credit Hours: Students may not multiply the SGPA of each semester by its respective credit hours before summing them up.
  • Ignoring One or More Semesters: If a student has completed 8 semesters but only considers 6 or 7 semesters in CGPA calculation, it may cause calculation errors.
  • Forgetting Converting Percentage to Grade Points: A student may mistake percentages (70%, 80%, etc.) for grade points, which can affect the CGPA calculation.
  • Using an Incorrect Grading Scale: Ensure that you are using the correct grading scale (e.g., 4-point, 7-point, or 10-point scale) as per your university’s guidelines.
  • Incorrect Total Credit Hours in Denominator: Sum the total credit hours for all semesters completed and use this value in the denominator when calculating CGPA.
  • Handling Repeated Courses: Repeated courses can affect your CGPA, so considering the latest grades is important for accurate calculation.
  • Not Double Checking the Final Calculation: Ensure you have double-checked your final calculation to eliminate the chances of error.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the difference between SGPA and CGPA?

SGPA (Semester Grade Point Average) measures a student’s performance in a single semester, calculated by averaging grade points for that semester. CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average) reflects overall performance across all semesters.

You can use the formula to calculate overall percentage from CGPA.

Percentage (%) = CGPA x 9.5.

For example, if your CGPA is 8.0 then you can multiply this value with 9.5 to get a percentage, which turns out to be 76%.

CGPA is calculated by dividing the total SGPAs earned in all semesters by the total credit hours taken across those semesters. 

AdmitX’s SGPA to CGPA converter helps you determine the CGPA by converting the semester-wise SGPA scores into an overall CGPA. Simply input the SGPA for each semester, and the calculator will compute the average based on the grade points.

CGPA plays an important role in a student’s academics as it serves as a comprehensive indicator of their overall academic performance. A strong CGPA helps students to grab significant academic and professional opportunities such as studying at prestigious universities and scholarships.

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