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HEC Paris MiM deadlines

HEC Paris MiM Deadlines 2023-24

The HEC Paris MiM program is a model of academic excellence and career advancement for business education.

This program offers a life-changing educational experience and is renowned worldwide for its demanding curriculum, illustrious faculty, and great alumni network.

With a long history and a dedication to developing the next generation of business leaders, HEC Paris offers the perfect setting for aspirants to develop their managerial abilities, entrepreneurial mindsets, and cross-cultural competency.

The Masters in Management program at HEC Paris gives students the skills and information they need to succeed in a competitive and dynamic corporate environment by fusing cutting-edge academic insights and real-world experience.

The blog will provide you with HEC Paris MiM deadlines.

Application dates for class of 2024-26

HEC Paris MiM deadlines for the class of 2024-26 are:

RoundsDeadlinesAdmissibility ResultFinal Decision
Round 1October 17th, 2023November 8th, 2023November 24th, 2023
Round 2January 3rd, 2024January 25th, 2024February 16th, 2024
Round 3February 28th, 2024March 21st, 2024April 16th, 2024
Round 4April 17th, 2024May 13th, 2024June 4th, 2024

Planning to pursue MiM? Book a FREE 1-1 Strategy Meeting with one of our consultants. Our team will work with you to create a compelling application strategy which guarantees success.

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