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Jobs after computer science

Job Opportunities after studying Computer Science Abroad

Studying for a Master’s in Computer Science can significantly enhance your career prospects and open up a wide range of opportunities in the rapidly evolving technology field.

Look at the blog to learn about jobs after computer science abroad.

Table of Contents

Reasons to study Computer Science

A master’s degree in this field provides students with specialised knowledge, real-world experience, and several career prospects. 

Here are several reasons why pursuing a Master’s in Computer Science can lead to a successful and fulfilling career:

1. In-Depth Knowledge and Specialization:

An in-depth and more focused grasp of computer science topics, tools, and processes is provided through master’s programs.

Employers looking for specific skills and knowledge in machine learning, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, data science, etc., may find you very valuable thanks to this competence.

2. Career Advancement and Higher Salaries:

A Master’s degree is necessary for many well-paying and specialised technological employment.

You’re more likely to be qualified for managerial or leadership positions with an advanced degree, which frequently has higher compensation and more chances for career progression.

3. Research Opportunities:

Master’s programs frequently require research projects and thesis work, allowing you to participate in cutting-edge field research.

Your resume can benefit from this research expertise, giving you an advantage on the job market and possibly paving the way for research-focused positions in academia or business.

4. Networking and Industry Connections:

Graduate programs allow students to interact with teachers, other students, and business experts.

During your studies, networking can open doors to internships, job offers, collaborations, and exposure to best practices and industry trends.

5. Access to Advanced Tools and Technologies:

Access to cutting-edge tools, software, and technology utilised in business is made possible through master’s programs.

Employers will find you more appealing because of the practical experience and abilities you’ll develop that are directly related to issues in the real world.

Top Companies/Recruiters offering Jobs after Computer science

Here are some of the renowned companies that frequently offer job opportunities to Master’s graduates in Computer Science:


Offers a wide range of roles in software engineering, machine learning, data science, artificial intelligence, user experience design, and more.


Provides opportunities in software development, cloud computing, data analytics, machine learning, and various other tech domains.


Offers software engineering, data science, AI research, product management, cybersecurity, and more positions.

Facebook (Meta):

Provides roles in software development, machine learning, data analysis, artificial intelligence, and various other technology-related areas.


Offers opportunities in software development, hardware engineering, data analytics, user experience design, and more.


Provides positions in software engineering, data science, AI research, cybersecurity, and various other technology-focused roles.


Offers roles in software engineering, data analytics, machine learning, and more in transportation technology.


Provides in hardware engineering, software development, research, and more opportunities in the semiconductor industry.


Offers positions in software development, database management, cloud computing, and various other technology-related domains.


Provides roles in software development, user experience design, data science, and more in the creative and digital marketing domains.


Offers opportunities in software engineering, data analysis, cloud computing, and customer relationship management (CRM) technologies.

LinkedIn (Microsoft-owned):

Provides roles in software development, data analysis, AI research, and more in the professional networking and career development domain.


Offers positions in network engineering, cybersecurity, software development, and related technology domains.


Provides roles in software engineering, data science, machine learning, and other technology-focused areas in the entertainment and streaming industry.


Offers opportunities in software development, hardware engineering, autonomous driving technology, and more in the automotive and sustainable energy sector.

Jobs after Computer Science

1. Software Developer/Engineer:

Design, code, test, and maintain software applications and systems.

Salary Range:

  • UK: £50,000 – £90,000 per year
  • USA: $60,000 – $150,000+ per year  
  • Europe: €50,000 – €100,000 per year
  • Singapore: SGD 40,000 – SGD 130,000 per year
  • Canada:  CAD 50,000 – CAD 110,000 per year 
  • Australia: AUD 60,000 – AUD 130,000 per year

*all the salaries vary according to location, experience and company*

2. Data Scientist/Data Analyst:

Analysing and interpreting complex data sets to provide insights and make data-driven decisions.

Salary Range:

  • UK: £30,000 – £80,000 per year
  • USA: $70,000 – $160,000+ per year
  • Europe: €50,000 – €90,000 per year
  • Singapore: SGD 70,000 – SGD 110,000 per year
  • Canada: CAD 60,000 – CAD 130,000 per year
  • Australia: AUD 60,000 – AUD 145,000 per year

3. Machine Learning Engineer:

Developing and implementing machine learning models and algorithms for various applications, such as natural language processing, image recognition, etc.

Salary Range:

  • UK: £40,000 – £90,000 per year
  • USA: $80,000 – $180,000+ per year
  • Europe: €80,000 – €130,000 per year
  • Singapore: SGD 60,000 – SGD 125,000 per year
  • Canada: CAD 70,000 – CAD 140,000 per year
  • Australia: AUD 80,000 – AUD 170,000 per year

4. Cybersecurity Specialist:

Protecting organisations from cyber threats by implementing security measures, conducting vulnerability assessments, and responding to security incidents.

Salary Range:

  • UK: £30,000 – £80,000 per year
  • USA: $70,000 – $180,000+ per year
  • Europe: €70,000 – €110,000 per year
  • Singapore: SGD 60,000 – SGD 130,000 per year
  • Canada: CAD 70,000 – CAD 140,000 per year
  • Australia: AUD 70,000 – AUD 160,000 per year

5. IT Project Manager:

Oversee and coordinate technology projects, ensuring they are completed on time, within budget, and meet specified requirements.

Salary Range:

  • UK: £40,000 – £90,000 per year
  • USA: $80,000 – $150,000+ per year
  • Europe: €80,000 – €110,000 per year
  • Singapore: SGD 80,000 – SGD 150,000 per year
  • Canada: CAD 70,000 – CAD 130,000 per year
  • Australia: AUD 60,000 – AUD 145,000 per year


In conclusion, earning a Master’s degree in computer science opens up a wide range of professional prospects in the tech sector.

Graduates of this advanced degree are well-prepared to succeed in positions ranging from software development and data science to artificial intelligence and cybersecurity thanks to their in-depth knowledge, specific abilities, and research-oriented approach.

A Master’s in Computer Science is a wise investment for a rewarding and successful career in the quickly changing tech industry as the demand for qualified workers in this subject is on the rise.

If you are an aspirant looking to study at your dream university, book an appointment with AdmitX today and start your applications early to avail yourself of all the benefits.

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