

Germany's largest port city, Hamburg invites students to embrace its maritime charm, stunning architecture, and vibrant cultural scene. From its bustling waterfront to its lively music venues and world-class restaurants, Hamburg offers a captivating blend of artistic expression and a laid-back lifestyle.

pexels masood aslami 16796038

Cost of Living

Rent/Accommodation: €400 - €700
Transportation: €80 - €90
Food: €150 - €250
Entertainment: €100 - €200
Miscellaneous: €100 - €200
Total: €820 - €1,440
pexels masood aslami 16796038


Spring (March - May): 5°C to 13°C
Summer (June - August): 17°C to 22°C
Autumn (September - November): 6°C to 12°C
Winter (December - February): 0°C to 4°C