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Cost of Living in Ireland

Indian students studying in Ireland should be aware that living expenses there are comparatively greater than in their native country, even though the country offers a top-notch educational system.

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What is the cost of living in Ireland for Indian students?

Depending on where they live and how they live, Indian students may pay different living expenses in Ireland. Students should budget between €700 and €1,000 a month on housing on average, depending on whether they live in a city or a smaller town. Monthly grocery costs typically vary from €250 to €350. 

Although the cost of transportation varies, monthly permits for public transportation can run you between €100 and €150. Private health insurance can pay for medical bills; the premiums will vary based on the extent of coverage. Students should also set aside money for personal hygiene products, leisure, and education-related costs. 

Affordable cities to live in Ireland

Ireland is known for its high cost of living, particularly in major cities like Dublin and Cork.

However, there are more affordable cities and towns to consider, where the cost of living can be comparatively lower. 

Some of these places include:

1. Galway

Galway is a popular choice for students, known for its vibrant cultural scene and relatively affordable living costs compared to Dublin.

Rent and general expenses can be more manageable here.

2. Limerick

Limerick is another city with a lower cost of living than Dublin or Cork.

It’s a growing educational and business hub with affordable rent and daily expenses.

3. Waterford

Waterford, a smaller city, offers a more budget-friendly lifestyle.

Rent and general living costs are often lower than in larger urban centers.

4. Sligo

Located northwest of Ireland, Sligo is a scenic and cost-effective choice. It’s known for its natural beauty and offers affordable housing options.

5. Letterkenny

In County Donegal, Letterkenny is one of Ireland’s most affordable places to live. The cost of living is lower, and housing options are budget-friendly.

6. Athlone

Athlone, situated in the heart of Ireland, offers affordable housing and a cost-effective lifestyle. It’s a great option for students or those seeking more affordable living.

7. Dundalk

Located near the border with Northern Ireland, Dundalk is known for its affordability, especially regarding housing and daily expenses.

While these cities may be more affordable than Dublin or Cork, prices vary, so creating a budget tailored to your specific circumstances is advisable.

Also read- Study in France

University Fees & Study Cost in Ireland

Here’s a general overview of the costs:

1. Tuition Fees:

Tuition fees can vary significantly based on the university and your chosen course. For non-EU/EEA international students, tuition fees are generally higher, ranging from €10,000 to €25,000 or more per year, depending on the program.

2. Living Costs:

  • Textbooks and Supplies

Budget for textbooks and course materials, which can cost approximately €500 to €1,000 per year, depending on your program.

  • Accommodation

The cost of housing varies by location and type. Shared accommodation in student residences or private rentals can range from €300 to €700 per month or more, while one-bedroom apartments in major cities can be significantly higher.

  • Food

Groceries and dining out can cost an average of €250 to €350 per month, but this can vary depending on your eating habits and location.

  • Transportation

Monthly transportation passes for students can range from €30 to €100 or more, depending on your location and the pass type.

  • Health Insurance 

Health insurance is mandatory for international students and can cost approximately €500 to €1,000 annually.

3. Miscellaneous:

Budget for expenses like internet, mobile phone plans, personal care items, and leisure activities. This can vary widely but may amount to around €100 to €200 per month.

Health Insurance for International Students

Health insurance is a mandatory requirement for international students studying in Ireland. The type of health insurance you need depends on your nationality and the duration of your stay.

Here are the main options:

1. European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) Replacement

For non-EU/EEA students, there is an EHIC Replacement scheme. This allows you to access the public healthcare system, but it may not cover all services, and you might need to pay a portion of the cost.

2. Comprehensive Private Health Insurance

Many students, regardless of their nationality, opt for comprehensive private health insurance to ensure access to a wider range of healthcare services and to cover additional expenses not included in EHIC or its replacement.

3. University-Affiliated Health Insurance

Some universities in Ireland offer their health insurance plans for international students, often in partnership with private insurance providers. These plans can be cost-effective and provide comprehensive coverage.

Cost of Living: Transportation, meals & attractions and activities 


  • Public Transport: €55-€70 per month
  • Meals: €250-€300 per month
  • Attractions and Activities: €10-€15, while outdoor activities like hiking & parks are often free.
  • Rent (1-bedroom apartment): €580-€880 per month


  • Public Transport: €20-€50 per month
  • Meals: €180-€340 per month
  • Attractions and Activities: €10- €20
  • Rent (1-bedroom apartment): €600-€750 per month


  • Public Transport: €15-€45 per month
  • Meals: €120-€280 per month
  • Attractions and Activities: €30
  • Rent (1-bedroom apartment): €450-€650 per month


  • Public Transport: €20-€50 per month
  • Meals: €130-€290 per month
  • Attractions and Activities: €15
  • Rent (1-bedroom apartment): €480-€600 per month


  • Public Transport: €50 per month
  • Meals: €200-€300 per month
  • Attractions and Activities: €20
  • Rent (1-bedroom apartment): €440-€620 per month

Tips to cost cut as a student

Cost-cutting is essential for students to manage their expenses efficiently.

Here are some practical tips to save money & reduce costs while studying:

  1. Budget Wisely: Create a detailed monthly budget that includes all your expenses, from rent and groceries to transportation and leisure activities. Stick to your budget to avoid overspending.

  2. Use Student Discounts: As a student, you’re entitled to various discounts on transportation, attractions, and more. Always carry your student ID, and inquire about available discounts.

  3. Share Accommodation: Consider sharing accommodation with roommates or housemates to split the rent and utility costs. Shared housing is often more cost-effective than living alone.

  4. Cook at Home: Eating out can be expensive. Cook your meals at home, and buy groceries in bulk to save money. Meal planning can help you stick to your budget.

  5. Explore Free or Low-Cost Activities: Ireland offers plenty of free or budget-friendly activities and attractions. Take advantage of parks, hiking trails, and museums with reduced student rates. Join student clubs and societies for low-cost social activities.


In conclusion, a person’s lifestyle, geography, and personal preferences affect how much it costs to live in Ireland.

Even while housing and tuition can be expensive, getting student discounts and spending less on food, entertainment, and transportation can help keep living costs within reasonable limits.

To balance living within your means and seeing Ireland, you’ll need to plan ahead, budget, and make the most of all the discounts and resources on offer.

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