

A vibrant and historic city, Boston combines intellectual prowess with a rich cultural heritage, boasting renowned universities, charming neighborhoods, a thriving arts scene, and a perfect blend of academia and urban charm, offering students a dynamic and intellectually stimulating environment

pexels mohan nannapaneni 13248624

Cost of Living

Rent/Accommodation: $800 - $1,500
Transportation:$80 - $100
Food: $250 - $400
Entertainment: $150 - $200
Miscellaneous: $100 - $200
Total: $1,380 - $2,400
pexels mohan nannapaneni 13248624


Spring (March - May): 5°C - 15°C
Summer (June - August): 20°C - 30°C
Autumn (September - November): 10°C - 20°C.
Winter (December - February): 5°C -10°C
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