

Vibrant and student-friendly city with a relaxed lifestyle, situated amidst rolling green hills and the beautiful Waikato River, offering top-tier educational institutions, a welcoming community, and a variety of outdoor recreational activities, creating a balanced and enjoyable experience for international students.


Cost of Living

Rent/Accommodation: NZD 500 – 1,000
Transportation: NZD 60 – 100
Food: NZD 150 – 250
Entertainment: NZD 70 – 120
Miscellaneous: NZD 70 – 120
Total: NZD 850 – 1,590


Spring (September – November): 13°C to 18°C
Summer (December – February): 19°C to 24°C
Autumn (March – May): 13°C to 18°C
Winter (June – August): 8°C to 12°C
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