

Resilient city with a strong sense of community, surrounded by breathtaking landscapes, offering a blend of traditional charm and modern opportunities, with leading universities, a growing innovation hub, and access to outdoor adventures, creating a unique and supportive environment for international students.


Cost of Living

Rent/Accommodation: NZD 500 – 1,000
Transportation: NZD 80 – 150
Food: NZD 200 – 300
Entertainment: NZD 80 – 150
Miscellaneous: NZD 80 – 150
Total: NZD 940 – 1,750


Spring (September – November): 11°C to 16°C
Summer (December – February): 17°C to 22°C
Autumn (March – May): 11°C to 16°C
Winter (June – August): 5°C to 10°C
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